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<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Welcome to Codingwith Anas</title>
    <h1>Codingwith Anas Heading</h1>
    <p>Codingwith Anas Paragraph</p>


What is HTML?

HTML is a "Markup Language". It stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language" which is used to design the structure of web-pages. It was developed by "Tim Berners-Lee" in 1993. It was published as "HTML version 2.0" in 1995 and very soon as "HTML 4.01" in 1999, then in 2021 "HTML 5.0" was released and we can say that it is currently used as "www(World Wide Web)". HTML allows you native API, easily browse internet, create web documents, offline storage, game development, web development and it also supports data entry.

body {

.text {


What is CSS?

CSS is a StyleSheet language. It stand's for "Cascading Style Sheet". It is used to give styles to an object which is used to describe the presentation of the webpage. It was developed by "Håkon Wium Lie" in 1996 and the first verion of CSS was launched with the name "CSS1", then in 1998 "CSS2" and in 1999 "CSS3" but this time CSS3 was very different compare to "CSS1" and "CSS2", because it was published as a set of separate documents known as "modules".

function change() {
    let light = document.getElementById("light");

    if (light.src.match("LightOff")) {
      light.src = "LightOn.jpg";
      light.style.marginLeft = "-21.19px";

    else {
      light.src = "LightOff.jpg";
      light.style.marginLeft = "0px";


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a "Scripting Language". It is used to make Web Pages more faster and attractive by adding "Attractive Behavior" To Web Pages. It is used for Creating Web Pages, Web Servers, Mobile Apps, It is also used for Game Development and Developing Servers Applications. It was developed by "Brendan Eich" in 1995 and was published with the official name "Mocha" but later some days it was known as "LiveScript" and then know as "JavaScript". It was developed for "Netscape 2" and became "ECMA-262 standard" in 1997, After that Netscape handed JavaScript over to "ECMA". The official name of JavaScript then changed to "ECMAScript". ECMAScript versions were abbreviated to ES1, ES2, ES3, ES4, ES5 and ES6, Since 2016 new versions were named by years (ECMAScript 2016/2017/2018 and so on..). The latest version of JavaScript is "ES2022" and it is the 13th edition and it is released in "June 2022".


Learn HTML Free

What is HTML?
HTML is a Markup Language It is stand for "Hyper Text Markup Language" which is used to design the structure of the Web-Page. It was developed by "Tim Berners-Lee" in 1993 and was published in 1995 as HTML version 2.0 and HTML 4.01 was published lately in 1999. In 2021 HTML 5.0 was released and we can say that this is currently used in the worldwide. HTML allows you to native APIs, browse internet easily, creating web documents, offline storage, game development, web development and it also support data entry.
HTML Features
Name How to use Example Display
HTML Heading Tag <h1> to <h6> <h4>Heading CodingWith Anas</h4>

Heading CodingWith Anas

HTML Paragraph Tag <p> <p>Paragraph CodingWith Anas</p>

Paragraph CodingWith Anas

HTML Bold Tag <b> <b>Bold CodingWith Anas</b> Bold CodingWith Anas
HTML Strong Tag <strong> <strong>Strong CodingWith Anas</strong> Strong CodingWith Anas
HTML Italic Tag <i> <i>Italic CodingWith Anas</i> Italic CodingWith Anas
HTML Comments <!-- xyz --> <!-- this is HTML Comment --> none

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CSS Logo

Learn CSS Free

What is CSS?

CSS is a StyleSheet language. It stand's for "Cascading Style Sheet". It is used to give styles to an object which is used to describe the presentation of the webpage. It was developed by "Håkon Wium Lie" in 1996 and the first verion of CSS was launched with the name "CSS1", then in 1998 "CSS2" and in 1999 "CSS3" but this time CSS3 was very different compare to "CSS1" and "CSS2", because it was published as a set of separate documents known as "modules".

CSS Features
Name How to use Example Display
CSS Selector .class, #id or tag name {
p {
CSS Comments /* xyz */ /*this is CSS Comment*/ none
CSS Color Name color: blue; p {
color: blue;
CodingWith Anas
CSS RGB color: rgb(red, green, blue); p {
color: rgb(26, 255, 0);
CodingWith Anas
CSS Color code color: #106eea; p {
color: #106eea;
CodingWith Anas

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CSS Logo

Learn JavaScript Free

What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a "Scripting Language". It is used to make Web Pages more faster and attractive by adding "Attractive Behavior" To Web Pages. It is used for Creating Web Pages, Web Servers, Mobile Apps, It is also used for Game Development and Developing Servers Applications. It was developed by "Brendan Eich" in 1995 and was published with the official name "Mocha" but later some days it was known as "LiveScript" and then know as "JavaScript". It was developed for "Netscape 2" and became "ECMA-262 standard" in 1997, After that Netscape handed JavaScript over to "ECMA". The official name of JavaScript then changed to "ECMAScript". ECMAScript versions were abbreviated to ES1, ES2, ES3, ES4, ES5 and ES6, Since 2016 new versions were named by years (ECMAScript 2016/2017/2018 and so on..). The latest version of JavaScript is "ES2022" and it is the 13th edition and it is released in "June 2022".

JavaScript Features
Name How to use Example Display
JavaScript Variables var x = abc-123;
var x = X;
var z = x + x;
var x = 1;
var y = 1;
var z = x + y;
JavaScript Let let x = abc-123;
let y = abc-123;
let z = x + y;
let x = 2;
let y = 1;
let z = x + y;
JavaScript Const const x = 123;
const x = 123;
const z = x + x;
const x = 2;
const y = 4;
const z = x + y;
JavaScript Single line Comments // xyz // this is JavaScript Single line Comment CodingWith Anas
JavaScript Multipal line Comments /* xyz */ /* this is JavaScript Single line Comment */ none

For More Informations on JavaScript Click here

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